Despite not being literate enough to concoct a title, or think about what to write afterwards, lots of stuff has gone on. There has been road traffic accidents, trips to ikea, bicycle rides, explorations, slapping of cheeks, good food, good music and great company. Work has been alright, but it's kind of boring right now as the project I am working on blah blah blah.
So I went to a Ikea on Saturday and buy loads of cheap flat packed badness for my apartment, actually built up it looks pretty good, and i'm kinda stoked with the apartment right now. I got a coffee table, a sofa, a TV stand, a rug and some bits for the bathroom, its beginning to feel a little more like a place I can remotely call home. Although looking out the window i saw a rat as big as a domestic cat in the yard below - sheesh, luckily i'm on the 4th floor, and rats can neither fly nor climb drain pipes* so i should be safe.
* - they can, and i'm not. Climb drain pipes that is, not fly, that'd be pretty awesome. And rather than wanting to come back as a Dog, or an animal of the Serengetti in my next life i'd come abck as a flying rat. Absolutely. They say you are never more than 4 feet away from a rat here in NYC (even on the Upper West Side! ;), but I have 12 foot ceilings, so if I made some sort of bungee arrangement and suspended myself 6 foot above the floor, and 6 foot from the roof, i'd be 6 feet away, thus blowing that theory to bits. It just isn't practical though.
I also don't have 12 foot ceilings. but that wouldn't matter if they flew. All up in your grill and shit.
I do have whiplash though. As we were involved in a pretty major RTA with a Nigerian Taxi Driver who had a machete in his belt. Also in the back of his cab was Ricky the Hitman Hatton, on his way through NYC after his terrible performance in Vegas. It's alright Ricky, I still love ya. Anyway, he was sooo mad and I was like calm down, you're causing a scene and there are children about.
We were in a U-Haul truck with all my furniture in the back, immeadiately my concern lay with the welfare of my 250 dollar couch, it was upholstered in Egypt with fine silks and cottons and filled with the wool and down of blessed lambs, geese and quails.
It was alright though and an 80 year old Jewish man helped me get it up the stairs. Tough sons of bitches. Tighter than Rambos headband though.
Fortunately, no one was injured in the crash, and the police came and they were cool, unbelievably there was no damage to the truck, but i'm sure the front struts were a bit bent, as the front wheel took all the impact. The cabby lost his front light and his fare. I saw Ricky wandering off up Broadway towards the strip club on 102nd.
So the apartment looks swish and i'm stoked. I then had a really good ride and sweated out the previous nights excesses and the whiplash.
Sunday the weather was a joke, I wanted to go to an outdoor music festival/New Paltz or Shoreham BMX track but the rain was relentless and squandered my plans. So I went exploring in Highbridge park where I found some pretty good trails, a pump track, some gnarly XC stuff (albeit only a 2 mile loop, the bits I saw looked fun). So i'll be heading up there to ride once the rain ceases.

I then went for coffee with Kate and bought some moss for a succulent arrangement, it was funny, the market dude was a legend. Then went downtown to meet up with a few others for some drinks and live music, I had a really good night!
Up at 5:30 for the gym which went really well too, so psyched on it right now, i just hope I'm not a stiff duck when i get on my Beeemex. Cos that'd be rubbish.
I'm feeling good here, I miss everyone of course, but the adventure feels like it is only just beginning, and with planed visits from Big W, first hand AT, and Fera, and perhaps others, I have everything to look forward to. Love you All!
Shout out to Lauren and the UK massive who held it down for the UK in Italy this weekend, that track looked ser-weet! Jealous of you guys!
Okay, its 5:30, I have a date with a mac specialist and the washing machine. Sigh.
In NY you're never more than 10ft from somebody telling you you're never more than 4ft from a rat.
PS I'm first mate noob
Your not my mate, mate. First or otherwise.
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