Saturday, 27 June 2009

Warren and DC in the Tri-State Eeerrrrea!

Ride with us or collide with Us!

About to get back in the wave, only ones repping the shorts look, everyone else wore wet suits, idiots, or just hardy? You decide..

Warren, day 2 at the beach more sunshine, less wave, but still a rad day!

Long Beach Promenade, like a postcard, i loved it here.

We met Grant on the beach, he had lots of moody gold he was trying to shift, i didn't trust him one bit. I think it was the glasses.

Warren throwing shapes in-between topping up the tan - Yo!

I loved this bit of graffiti, simplicity, sometimes is the key to success, i didn't believe it for a moment, but I still liked it.

Warren killing it at Worthless.

Grabbing some light refreshment. LI style.

Treat of a trip. I'll remember it forever.

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