Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Jamie Woon

This week is madness but there are a few things to look forward to coming up, and the race calendar is getting fuller with each day. I'm psyched to race hard and represent standard Army's North East Squad the best I can, and I plan on doing so as much as possible on flat pedals. that's what's up.

Tonight Daniella and I are off to see Jamie Woon with EZ and Jeni, the UK electronic/post-dubstep/singer/composer whatever you want to call him. The venue is a music and arts space in Williamsburg, I pretty much know that I'll be the least coolest person in there, second to Daniella.

Have a listen, if you like it, maybe check out his new album Mirrorwriting getting released shortly!

And this, whilst I'm at it, a Burial remix of one of the first Jamie Woon songs I ever heard. wayfaring Stranger, be kind to yourself and use some good speakers and headphones.

Much love!

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