In the past i've had
xc in the wc 6
hc xc in the wc
xc red top
Amongst others.
So Paddy is bang on the XC, that much is obvious, but recently Warren Harper has gotten on the bandwagon, John loves it, Cooper is mad for it, Jim is all over it like hair on soap, Nick vibes it and Mackie and David White don their lined shorts on the regular so i was beginning to feel like i was missing out.
Alas, no more!
I bought one of these and i'm picking it up tonight, it's special.

And i'm stoked on it! So through winter i plan on getting some lights and doing some night XC rides along with some night road rides through the tough months.
The plan this winter is to do weights again, Warren and I decided to go halves on a squat rack, weights and bench set up, and we'll train at our Leisure in his home. The training in the morning before work was always a killer. Waking up at 6:15am to the pitch black and leaving the house onto the soulless streets, the windscreens smattered with frost, and my breath leaving my body like a geyser awaiting an eruption.. It shan't be missed, even though it was character building.
So with the road bike, the XC bike, the BMX bike (obviously) some climbing, weight training and core work, it should be a good winter, and i feel prepared for it.
sweet bike and getting your own gym set up is a treat. I have a full squat rack and bench in my basement. Every time I think I'm done I have a quick look over at the bike and push out one more rep. perfect motivation.
nice one fella.
I've got an Orange sub 5 and have just got Jacob a starter xc bike.
XC and velo is where its at.
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