The apartment hunt is going okay, i mean, i look at craigslist once a day and see if there is anything that sounds good and up my street, but i don't take it any further then that. I create a list of potentials and then I kind of think that's enough work for one day. I suppose i consider that apartment hunting and i'm waiting it all to just come to me. Ha! I'll be lucky.
I did find a good one the other day though, which sounds very good, the guy that owns it sounds nice enough and it does sound like a good deal, its on the upper west side, its furnished, within budget, has internet/cable etc and looks very nice in the pictures. Perhaps it's too good to be true, eh?! He'll be some axe wielding maniac, with a fetish for young englishmen, he'll lure me in with his cheap rents and luxurious amenities and that'll be that, i'll be his love slave until he grows tired of me and fancies someone a little more European.. That's the way it always goes! and Fera sent me Yorkshire tea, marmite and dairy milk, i have enjoyed some of all of that today and it's wonderful - thank you so much! A little taste of home, is a wonderful treat.
I'm all about the nuts4nuts right now, and every conotation attached to them. I see them and I smile. Every time.

I have had a very good week and weekend, things have been super fun, work has been productive and i'm enjoying the challenges and the position. After work ha been reasonably eventful, riding, running, being a socialite (ha!) hitting PB's like it ain't no big ting, i can't complain.
2 funny ichat/skypes with my Brothers from other Mothers Warren and AT too - Missing you guys, thanks for the laughs!
I had 2 very strong rides this weekend too, to Nyack in New Jersey yesterday which was just shy of 70 in total, with good smooth roads and some good climbs and descents, and 4 laps of central park today in good time, dropping the hammer and smokin' fools on unbelievably expensive carbon bad ass bikes. The ribble is a treat!
Hit the party scene in Brooklym on Friday night for Thai food, then a rave, then a party with friends from work on Saturday, i had a lot of fun, and enjoyed every moment. Hopefully they'll be incriminating pictures soon..
I'm loving it here, listening to Burial now, sippin' my tea, and feeling fine.
Happy Mothers Day too, Mum! Gutted the stuff i sent didn't arrive, keep 'em peeled..
Right, i'm off to look for a singlespeed, brakeless track bike, with deep section V rims and 7 inch wide handlebars..
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