Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Fuerta Bruta was incredible, I had a great time, it would be difficult to describe and not make it sound like a load of shit, but it is just an overload on every sense, the sounds, the bass, the lights, the dance, the energy, the noise, the originality.. I have never seen anything like it, as i don't think there is anything like that out there, i will definitely be going again, its an hour long so you can just slot it in to your evening and I left feeling absolutely buzzing afterward, and cultured..

Following the spectacle we had pizza from this incredible place called serafina, ben and jerrys ice cream and summer ale, it was a TREAT! I managed to lose my phone though. Got a new one sorted, but i could have done without that.

Hit the gym Monday am and felt great, i think everything is back to normal, once i get my social though i will get looked at, just get my bloods taken.. Innit Blood!

Tonight i headed into the park, like a few blocks over the crib and got my boulder on, its quite a small roc, having only 7-8 problems, but they were all pretty tough, i managed to do 3 and a most of another, the others were pretty sketchy without a crash mat as they overhung a pretty hectic rock on the ground. It's similar to the grit in Sheffield, but is much sharper, i guess it hasn't weathered as much, my hands are pretty torn up, but i feel pumped and psyched i got to climb, be outside and feel quite free.

There are a few boulders in the park, this one is called Worthless Boulder, then you have rat rock and cat rock

The other rocks have many more problems but they are also a lot busier, i'll definitely be getting more involved, getting the pump back felt good!

There were a few others there, including a couple that were using the word dude, far too much and a little awkwardly, and i think i even heard KUDOS a bunch of times too. Which made me laugh and think of Warren. The other guy there was a Turkish nuts 4 nuts vendor, called Taheel, he was sound, and in the short time i spent with him he told me he was an illegal immigrant, i was like, man, that is AWESOME! He was stoked.

Long weekend coming up got the friday and the monay off and i'm psyched for plenty of downtime, bike time, you time and me time.


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