Hope all my loyal readers are good and had a sick weekend. I felt like mine was a success, productive and had a good mix of the exhausting and the relaxing.
Friday night I just chilled out, even though a few things were going off around the City, I had to sleep on it and rest up, as I was racing Saturday morning and had to be in Queens for 6, so up at 4:30. Painful.
The alarm sounded and it felt like I had literally just closed my eyes, even the the Hispanics across the way were still partying, but then they never really stop, they love it. It was not a good time to be rising. I grabbed my stuff and ran to the get the 7 train into Queens, it was raining and part of me thought, I could so easily turn around and go back to my apartment and curl up back to sleep, but focus.. Get it done and I just about managed to find my way onto the train and head towards Queens to fufill my destiny.
The race was over in Shoreham again, so the drive out to Long Island at that time was quiet and watching the sun coming up set the mood to STRAIGHT UP BALLING for me. The colours are deep right now, autumn is definitely my favorite season, the colours, the crisp mornings and the mild days. It had stopped raining and the sky was clear, perfect conditions for getting ones snap on.
The day was sick, a good practise and wonderful surprise visit from my work mate Nick and his beautiful son Sirian just added to the treats. Sirian is a legend, such a cute kid and he gave me a high five, blew me a kiss and shouted good luck Danny Clifford, proper safe. Even though I don't like being called Danny, I let that little tyke slide.. Afterwards we hung out and found a HUGE tree beetle, that was awesome., and spoke about Nicks record label, what a legend. They left for Sirian to take his afternoon nap before trick or treating. Non-stop raving that lad.
Racing went well a 2 moto transfer system, and I managed a 2nd and a 1st, they doubled your best result for points too, so i was on the button. There was 15 in my class 26-34 expert which was the heaviest of the weekend. So straight to the final with no semi. I got lane 2 and managed a good gate, i pulled hard into the first corner and railed super low and cut off a couple of guys, i was sat in 3rd and rode a tight lap and remained there, the 2 guys that took the win are super x guys, so i was super epumped to hang in there behnd them and claim a massive trophy - ha! I even busted the big triple for some show boating ting. Loved it.

We headed abck to Manhattan in Giorgios car, he drove at around 90mph the whole way sipping Coors lite through a straw, talking and texting on his celly and planning his evening party vibe. I feared for my life a couple of times. haha, mentalzz.
After I got back I made several last ditch attempts to make a costume, max from where the wild things are, too much to do, too little time, and then wrapping myself entirely in aluminum foil and being a robot. Fail. Hot sweaty fail, i was like a little baked potatoe, an angry one.
So I went as me in full race gear, lame, but got a few props, NYC and Halloween is insanity, people literally put weeks of effort and planning in to it, quite inspiring, I saw some deep stuff. The streets were alive with people. Madness.
I met Justin and Mia, they came as fortune cookies, Vahndi came as Big Daddy Kane, super pimp, a few others were in the place but I headed out to meet Daniella, Kristen and Ale across town, we had a blood covered lumberjack and the Blues sisters, top notch stuff right there, we drank some drinks and laughed at Kristen's trail of destruction. I had a lot of fun, but was absolutely shattered. We called it a night and headed back uptown.
Sunday was mad lazy, I achieved nothing, but it was what my body required. My friend Lisa ran the ING NYC marathon and smashed it - props player! That half marathon training run we did together was what got her in peak physical shape for the event.
Wicked wicked weekend. Hopefully hitting a race this Saturday in Jersey, and then hopefully reaching a dubstep ting with Starkey on the Saturday night if i get back in time and am not dead. BASS!
This race day was a highlight of our fall. Lookin forward to the next one we can get to! And the Danny thing...you handled that with grace. The kid has been schooled. Suriyan now only refers to you as Daniel Clifford. Rascal!
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