I had a good weekend up in these parts, excellent weather meant plenty of bike time! I rode my bike at the Bolehills for almost 6 hours on Saturday, RB.com was up in the place with his friend, Matt from Southern California. Always a pleasure to hit the Hills up with RB, and Matt was a super cool guy and I had a lot of fun hanging out. They got off and I went and grabbed some lunch and my Boy Will headed up and bought with him his new HD video camera. I had a lot of fun railing the turns and boosting the jumps and then getting some shots myself of Will shredding up the place. The footage looked amazing, HD is the shit! I think he caught the BMX bug a bit and i'm gonna price him up a nice little bike to get him started, be cool if he gets involved, the sessions at the hills are some of the best i've ever had, and it'll be just like old times!

So an awesome day Saturday, afterwards as the weather was so awesome we fired up the BBQ and had a few friendly faces come over for food and beers, it was really nice. I had a masive piece of steak, and it was amazing. We then headed out and hit the bars up for a couple more beers, there was a D&B flava going off down at DQ and we had some drinks and a rave up down there until the early hours, it was a great deal of fun, RB, Matt and his lovely girlfriend, Joe Himself was up in there along with Lulu the original raver. Was a good laugh, a girl threw her drink over me as I pulled a mardy face at her. Some people just need to smile a bit more. A smile will take you places, you miserable fack.
Joe and myself ran home, i got sweaty, had another shower and then hit the hay for a few hours, it was another pearler of a day on Sunday so i got up and got the XC bike out. A good breakfast and plenty of fluids set me up for what turned to be quite the epic! Warren headed over, along with Big Dave White, Rob Forreal and Oliver Cooper, we drove a little way out and started at Cutgate, we rode a pretty tough route up to cutthroat and all the way over to Woodhead, a ride in itself which is about 25kms! Then we grabbed some food and had to turn around and come back! Warren had a bit of a technical failure on the whip which meant he had to pedal the whole way as his freehub siezed, the XC route would have been a tough way home, so we took the easy option (ha!) and rode the strines road all the way back to Snake Pass. Anyone that has ridden the Strines will tell you its no joke on a road bike, hell on a moutain bike! But we survived and got back to the van shattered!
An ice bath, protein shake, some good food, then i went to watch tropic Thunder with Will, seriously funny film which i very much enjoyed. I can't feel my legs!! Ain't nothing but a thang.. Awesome!
I bought a guitar today, i was feeling pretty down and i've been very keen to start playing a bit recently, I played for about 6 months many years ago, but soon gave up on it. I believe i'm much more patient than i was back then, and i'm excited for the new challenge to strum things up and wail on occassion. its a very cheap guitar but actually won the best acoustic guitar under £1000 a few years back, and it only costs £79!

So a nice weekend all in all, great weather, I saw many of my friends and had a darn good time. Let's do it again and again.
Finally, RIP Finley, Dom and Kim Bent's sweet young son who passed away on Sunday morning, my thoughts are with you both at this time. I can't possibly imagine what you're going through. Things like this just shouldn't happen.
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