But its been (nearly) all good so far. I can't really complain, I still have a house, a job, my bike, my friends, which in the "current climate" (overcast and cold?) is pretty good going I think.
Derby went well, even if the gale force side wind did try and break us down. Many left early, weakened by a bit of harsh weather, the beard kept me warm though, so i stuck it out to the end. Hell, i even watched the trophy presentaion, knowing full well i wasn't to recieve one for 6th place. That's just the kinda guy I am.

Anyway Derby did an amazing job, it was like a mini-national, on a maxi-national track. The wind didn't help what is already the toughest track out there, and i was poooped by the end of it. But I rode alright (until my final - pattern eh?!) I managed 3 3rd place finishes in motos and 3rd in the semi also. In the main I snapped, wobbled and rolled round, then attached the 3rd straight and pulled a couple of positions to finish 6th. Out of 25 riders, a few pro dudes and a bunch of fast yoots it was okay by me.
To be honest i'm glad its over, i'm sure in a few weeks time i'll be longing to race again, but right now, i'm thankful for a little break, some XC, some road bike, gym work and some time at the weekends to myself.
Sheffield Supercross this weekend which i'm pysched on, and hopefully a little rave up Saturday night. Fingers crossed.
Be easy, and I promise to be a little more regular.
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