Quality weekend in the NYC, much better than the previous where I was sick, then had to work on the Sunday GAH! This time around a couple of beers Friday night with some work dudes. I am slowly starting to make new friends and extend to a circle outside of work. It's definitely important to have people in work you get along with and can spend time with, but I also think you need to detach sometimes, and hang with people that have no affiliation to the life in the office.
It's been a bit odd at work, on Thursday they laid 40 or so people off, completely randomly, and without warning, just given the news, then told to leave within the hour. I couldn't believe it, the UK goes through the consultation period, gives people time to plan for the worse, this way people were just out on their ears, imagine if you'd just bought a new tele or something.
So the mode was pretty awful in the office. I imagine if my project goes belly up they'll just ship me back on the next grain ship..
The weekend has been a treat though on Saturday morning I rode up to the George Washington bridge to meet a guy who contacted me through a forum, he was planning a ride in the New York State Park up in Harriman, about an hour north, i was keen to get out the city so agreed to meet up and split fuel etc. He was a cool guy, although looked like he weighed about 4 stone and was as fit as fidle.. We then met up with 2 guys he knew both Army cadets in full physical shape as there race season begins next week. Carbon zipp wheels, Look carbon framesets, it was at this point I thought, i'm in for hell...
It was awesome though, incredibly tough, but a lot of fun, I saw some amazing sights, some incredible frozen waterfalls, beautiful clear roads, smooth tarmac, views of the city atop Bear Mountain, it was off the chain, 76 miles in total and very few cars to deal with - bliss!
I took a couple of shots but they don't do it justice. Saturday night I headed into Brooklyn for a few drinks with some people from work, i like Brooklyn, it has a cool vibe, everyone is very "hip" and down with it.. Obviously I fit right in! ha!
We headed back to Manhattan and ht the lower east side, we hit a club and threw some shapes on the dance floor.. NYC ain't ready for the UK shapes! There a little stuck in the past though, lots of dudes in ill fitting shorts and chinos, women in "blouses" c'mon, its 2009! I got in at 4am absolutely shattered but psyched on the weekend.
Sunday I was a tourist took some snaps and rested up, It wasn't a very nice day, and Lady Liberty is further away from Manhattan than I remember. So my snaps were junk!
Hit the gym tonight and busted out 330lbs on the deads tonight - stoked with that! Also got a US cell-y +1 646 296 2121
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